Thursday, May 19, 2011

30% off at Gap

Pretty good! Especially for us card holders who will be getting 35% off!
Ill be picking up a few things today.
Happy saving!

Sweet Ivy Girl giveaway

I have a darling, talented little girlfriend, Erica, who is celebrating her birthday with a giveaway on her blog. Check it out and give your luck a try! You could win earrings and a belt!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Target find

Im not crazy about much of the Calypso line for Target and although this was NOT on sale I snatched up this adorable bathing suit cover up for Goldie for only $12.99. It is so sweet and the fabric print is perfectly simple. My girls loves it. I am sure we will be pairing it with some jeans or shorts and making it a top for the Golds, too.

there are a couple other cute baby rompers that are pretty sweet too.
This on has the sweet elephant print.

Anyway, thought I'd share.

Monday, May 9, 2011

i'm a lucky girl to be so blesssed!

dad's woman and all his little future mothers
mother's day growing up was always something to look forward to. my dad always made mother's day something so special not just for my mother, who deserves a month of least 12 days but for all his little future mothers. after serving the mother of all we too would get our breakfast in bed. the boys always had to do the dishes and keep us girls happy and relaxed! i always felt so special on this day... not because i've always been a mother but because i've always known that being a mother is something to be celebrated. i knew that some day i would have the honor of being that to some heavenly sent children of God. i feel so lucky that i married a man that values my divine role like dad does. babe is so good about allowing my life and  full time job as mama to his babies possible. he celebrate this role that i have chosen. he respects me and supports me. he is patience while i'm learning. he loves me and makes me feel like i'm the most beautiful thing he's laid eyes on. he makes me feel like a queen! what a lucky girl i am. 

april jo munns
the mother of all... my mom. i could dedicate an entire blog to her and never run out of reasons, stories and example why i want to be a mother exactly like her. she is the perfect example of selfless mothering. she is always there to help for whatever ridiculous request her children throw at her and not because she doesn't want to say no, but it isn't in her to even think of a reason not to. her testimony in the gospel is rock solid. she turns the other cheek to every one... even if they robbed her "un"safe blind! 
her example of being Christ like is inspiration to me.
she is my one of my best friends in the whole wide world and there is no other person i would want to drive all over central florida hitting up every tj maxx and marshalls with than her! 
i love that lady. i'm lucky to have her as my mom and friend.

marie louise haught

the grand marie. she is a woman that i am thankful for everyday! after all, she is the mother that raised the perfect man for me. because of her mothering and teaching i have the husband of my dreams. she taught him the importance of respecting me, loving me, valuing me and his children. she taught him the importance of honoring his priesthood and being worthy to serve and bless his family. she taught him to value is education. she taught him how to cook, clean and how to work hard. this mother's day i was especially grateful for her and all the hard, selfless sacrifices that she made raising 7 kids. She a woman that i look up to and value the advice she gives. If only i could spend more time with her... i'm sure i would be a better mother/woman. i'm a lucky girl to have her as an inspiring mother in my life.

not only do i have 2 impeccable examples of mothers to look to but i have sisters and sister-in-laws that i find so much comfort and support in. they are right here in the grind of those hard day and in the glory of the great ones. i love being able to laugh, cry and vent to these ladies. they all have attribute in there mothering that i want. every woman/mother should be able to pool from these great sissy that i have... it would only be fair. between all of them there had been every situation to be had and priceless advice to be given. there has been complete joy, loss, infertility, miracles, multiple babies, unexpected surprises, potty training, sleep training, just plain training, cooking, cleaning, cheering, discipling, budgeting, blowing, disappointment and complete satisfaction. anything thing i could ever experience has or will happen to one of them. i'm such a lucky girl to have these strong ladies to got through all of it with.

i went to post my feelings yesterday and decided no... its mother's day, i don't have to if i don't want to. today is a day to relax and that is exactly to the T of what i did.

i felt like a million bucks all day!
my (9:00am) breakfast in bed, strawberry and cream cheesed stuffed french toast... blew my socks off.
my babies' picture of me were pure art. and my babe's letter i will reader for the rest of my life.
my michael kors watch was a complete surprise.
church was perfectly rejuvenating. 
dinner was tasty. made my my very own 5 star chef... my sweet lover.

my dinner servers

singing my babies to sleep was so much more special tonight. i was able to think all day how lucky i am to have these perfect kids. they are the reason why i exist. 
i am such a lucky girl!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

today was a pretty good day!

today was a good day... besides the fact the my lover left at 8am to tame the wild in florida. then he left the dirt road to fulfill the Lord's errand and probably won't be home until about 10pm. kinda makes me a bit sad since my most favorite thing in the world right now is to lay in bed, foot tucked under is leg, and watch the "boob tube" as he would call it.
so, why was today a good day you may ask...

i heard my baby's heart beating away. i saw my baby tucked safely inside my body. i felt my baby move.
that makes me a happy mom of 3 and 1/4 kids!

our ultrasound was nothing short of good and shocking news.

i'll let you guess what you might think that is....

no it's not a giant ufo landing on 2 enormous turtles as my brother described it.
my baby's got junk!!!!
yes, we are having another handsome, charming lad and we couldn't be more excited.

here's out little dude with his leg stretched out just getting comfy!

oh, and what do you think of our new header?