Wednesday, March 30, 2011

my lovely mother all growing up before taking family pictures, giving talks at church, going to fancy dances for school...really for any occasion would always say...
 "go put some blush on".
this is what always came to mind when i would hear blush...
no thanks!

but, i've said it once and i'll say it again, ma's always right!
i decided i need to up the ante with my makeup. so i tried blush. 
while at my favorite store i happened upon this lovely stuff. it's the perfect little pick-me-up to a drab, sick pregnant face!
i have not quite entered that "pregnancy glow" yet... still pretty much feeling/looking green all the time.

 you can find it in the store or go here to buy it online.
really though, i love it! now, don't get too carried away with it because trust me when i say... a little goes a long way!